Without giving loan. Asking loan amount and making frank calls and call bombing-Loan amount

0000 2021/01/10 13:00 Frank sms and calls

Without giving loan amount asking EMI. Its my corporate Sim. Previous person take loan and went. Even informed 2 years back. Still hey making frank calls and sms and blackmailing me.

Posted By
Kiran Kumar c j
2023-02-05 07:14:26Views : 1400

Investment Amount : ₹ 0000
Refund Amount : ₹ 0000

@Gangathri A 2023-03-06 15:01:45

Me too have same problem

@DibakarMandal 2023-04-09 23:44:12

They (Legal Form)make you fool, Cheating business

@DibakarMandal 2023-04-09 23:45:54

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