-Tranjection dispute

33127 2020/05/11 14:00 My tranjection failed but amount deduction on my card
Bhagat chandra hospital palam

Sir/Madam On 11 May 2020 at 1418 hrs, I have done a transaction fo Rs 33127/- by my credit card to Bhagat Chandra Hospital but the transaction could not be successful. However, the amount Rs 33127 was deducted from my account. After that, I paid by another transaction of Rs 15000 by credit card and Rs 18117 by cash. (Copy Enclosed). my deducted amount Rs 33127/- be credit in my account. It is requested that the above matter be solved as soon as possible. Presently, my email adds kirorilal.2412190 is not working. Please use my new email kirorimn@gmail.com for further communication. Thanking you, Kirorilal Meena

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0000-00-00 00:00:00Views : 284

Investment Amount : ₹ 33127
Refund Amount : ₹ 33127
